3 de setembre del 2007

Els Segadors versus Diada Montilla

Queden pocs dies per l’onze de setembre i en aquest país, ara força deprimit, s’ha de revifar la flama reivindicativa. Davant les declaracions del nostre president que ens renya per haver perdut el temps durant tants anys rere obsessions identitàries, haurem de buscar-li un sentit a aquest dia perquè no resulti només una bufonada.

Potser seria un bon dia per demanar-li que agafi els trastets i es dediqui a alguna cosa que el motivi més i sobretot seria una bona ocasió perquè els catalans trobem un líder més engrescador –cerca força difícil- ja que si el nostre propi president no té com a un dels seus eixos d’acció la defensa de la nostra identitat no se m’acudeix qui l’ha de tenir.

Per altra banda, per no quedar com uns passerells, eld d'ERC ens volen recordar que el seu recolzament a un president de l’executiva del PSOE és conjuntural i ens marquen el 2014 com a data pel referèndum d’autodeterminació. Que maco, per celebrar els 300 anys de la derrota catalana en la Guerra de Successió! I que encertat que es proposi per després de l’actual legislatura, no sigui que les poltrones trontollin. Cal no perdre el tren perquè això de les plataformes sobiranistes sembla que ja comença a posar nerviós a l’aparell republicà.

En fi, per acabar res millor que recordar Els Segadors, a veure si el nostre president se l’aprèn (si, si, té lletra, no com l’espanyol).

Per cert, el nostre himne prové de la Guerra de Separació (1640-1652) que començà amb la revolta dels segadors a Barcelona, fa bastant més de 300 anys, guerra que Portugal va aprofitar per independitzar-se mentre una part dels nostres territoris quedava sota sobirania francesa. Però això és una altra història.

Us penjo també la versió antiga perquè veieu que la nova és molt més suau encara que la critiquen per bel·licista. Així també veureu de que anava la història.

Versió de la cançò popular recopilada per Manuel Milà i Fontanals en el Romancerillo Catalan de 1853.

Catalunya, comtat gran, qui t’ha vist tan rica i plena! Ara el rei Nostre Senyor declarada ens té la guerra.

Segueu arran! Segueu arran,que la palla va cara! Segueu arran!

Lo gran comte d’Olivars sempre li burxa l’orella: Ara és hora, nostre rei, ara és hora que fem guerra.
Contra tots els catalans, ja veieu quina n’han feta: seguiren viles i llocs fins al lloc de Riu d'Arenes;
n’han cremat un sagrat lloc, que Santa Coloma es deia; cremen albes i casulles, i caporals i patenes, i el Santíssim Sagrament, alabat sia per sempre.
Mataren un sacerdot, mentre que la missa deia; mataren un cavaller, a la porta de 'església, en Lluís de Furrià, i els àngels li fan gran festa.
Lo pa que no era blanc deien que era massa negre: el donaven als cavalls sols per assolar la terra.
Del vi que no era bo, n’engegaven les aixetes, el tiraven pels carrers sols per regar la terra.
A presència dels parents deshonraven les donzelles. Ne donen part al Virrei, del mal que aquells soldats feien: Llicència els he donat jo, molta més se'n poden prendre.
Sentint resposta semblant, enarboren la bandera; a la plaça de Sant Jaume, n´hi foren les dependències.
A vista de tot això s’és avalotat la terra: comencen de llevar gent i enarborar les banderes.
Entraren a Barcelona mil persones forasteres; entren com a segadors, com érem en temps de sega.
De tres guàrdies que n’hi ha, ja n’han morta la primera; ne mataren al Virrei, a l’entrant de la galera; mataren els diputats i els jutges de l'Audiència.
Aneu alerta, catalans; catalans, aneu alerta: mireu que aixís ho faran, quan seran en vostres terres.
Anaren a la presó: donen llibertat als presos. El bisbe els va beneir Amb la mà dreta i l’esquerra:
On es vostre capità? On és vostre bandera?Varen treure el bon Jesús Tot cobert amb un vel negre:
Aquí és nostre capità, aquesta és nostre bandera. A les armes catalans, Que ens ha declarat la guerra!

Segueu arran! Segueu arran, que la palla va cara! Segueu arran!

Himne actual

Catalunya, triomfant,
tornarà a ser rica i plena!
Endarrere aquesta gent
tan ufana i tan superba!

Bon cop de falç!
Bon cop de falç, defensors de la terra!
Bon cop de falç!

Ara és hora, segadors!
Ara és hora d’estar alerta!
Per quan vingui un altre juny
esmolem ben bé les eines!

Bon cop de falç!
Bon cop de falç, defensors de la terra!
Bon cop de falç!

Que tremoli l’enemic
en veient la nostra ensenya:
com fem caure espigues d’or,
quan convé seguem cadenes!

Bon cop de falç!
Bon cop de falç, defensors de la terra!
Bon cop de falç!

51 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

A vegades es millor no dir res!! Al menys el Montilla no diu cap mentida... no diu res!!

Desprès de tantes maragallades una mica de tranquil·litat ja va bé! Ara bé, m’agradaria saber que collons fot a part d’aprendre a parlar en català!!

Anònim ha dit...

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Now here is a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX 500 running shoe, and, since it originally comes from the '80s, the gaming electrified design and coloring is an easy choice ... Right? The kicks won't be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packaged with a combo bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a computer game based primarily on ... The shoe itself.

GameCulture writes that the game stars a personality named'DJ Zed' who, according to Adidas, has 5 mins to'run, moon-walk, climb walls, avoid some dodgy-looking thugs, collect power-ups, and pull off loony rooftop-to-rooftop stunts' in order to get on-stage before his set starts. It looks suitably retro -- see for yourself in the video we've included after the breakdance.

More info
Adidas Forum

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Still, there are tons of bettors looking through rose colored glasses for the holy grail of betting systems that will let them make money without risking any. Well, there is a way to do that and it is called work! Gambling is called gambling for a reason, it’s risky. Let’s take a look at some sports betting systems.
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It appears that the United States legal system is closer than ever before to cutting off ties with any type of online gambling within its boundaries. This includes poker, casinos, and sports betting among others. Generally speaking, anything that has to do with transmitting money via the internet as far as gambling is concerned is being cracked down on quite harshly.

The important thing to note here is that neither of the above approaches is "systemised", although those in the first group believe that they are limiting losses while increasing their winning chances. But what the majority in that first group generally do not take proper account of is how the Bookies have fixed the odds to ensure that they, the Bookies, will come out on top in the long run. What this means is that if you only bet on "favourites" you will eventually lose all your money, although it is true that you will enjoy a much longer period of betting before you kiss your last buck goodbye!

Anònim ha dit...

Finally, realize that all the various bookmakers have their own rules and policies regarding how they settle bets done through arbitrage sports betting when they have such irregular results. As with the advice on pricing, be sure to check the rules of the individual bookmakers before you place your bets.

Following the philosophy of pyramiding, what happens in this system is that you place a bet and if you come out a winner you re-invest the winnings on the next wager. So in horse racing, for example, you simply let it ride. Also, unlike the other betting systems, the Parlay System offers a lower amount of risk of all bettors for because they only need be concerned with a win, place or show selection or a combination thereof.
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The changes that are going to be made to the Wire Act are quite simple. First and foremost the internet will be added to the list of wire communications that are prohibited. Of course the internet was not around in 1961 so it was not included in the first draft. In addition, penalties for breaking the Wire Act will increase from a maximum of two years in prison to five.

And finally, in the first article in this series I mentioned being honest with yourself, because one of the biggest lies I have found that a tremendous number of Bettors are guilty of is denying to themselves how many times their Base Bank has been busted! If you too are guilty of this, please remember that until you face up to the truth with the determination to do something about it, you can't expect to turn the situation round in your favour.

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One of the factors that can influence the outcome of your program is that many bookmakers set maximum stake limits which can keep you from placing your full wager, so make sure that there in no max limit with any of the bookies that you are dealing with.
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One key thing to remember when you are seeking out the best sports betting odds is that the best odds and the best sports bookmaker are not necessarily one and the same.
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The Martingale System is probably the most famous sports betting system on the planet and actually has nothing to do with choosing the winner of an event but is more concerned with the right odds and money lines. It seems that the gist of the system is that it looks at the statistical probabilities of how many times in a row one may lose and is put into action by placing a bet and then betting again if you win.

The second group fares a lot worse because, unfortunately for them, the variance in the "value" range will be different for each of them, and it will also vary considerably from bet to bet, making the concept of value mere words (and therefore meaningless). he reality is that the majority of people do not have any means whatsoever of identifying "true" value bets.

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